The studies sent to the conference have not been published before or are submitted to another congress, journal, etc. to be published. should not have been sent anywhere.
Abstracts of papers; It should be prepared in accordance with the full text rules, with a minimum of 250 and a maximum of 500 words, reflecting the purpose and scope, and including the methods and findings. There should be at least 3 and at most 5 keywords along with the summary text. Authors must upload the abstract to the system by using the paper submission system
- Papers must be in A4 paper size and standard Word format, margins; It should be written as top: 2.5 bottom: 2.5 left: 2.5 and bottom: 2.5 cm, single line spaced and justified.Although there is no page limit for papers, the upper limit is expected to not exceed 25 pages.
- Paper file that does not contain author information; It should consist of a Turkish title, Turkish abstract, English title, English abstract, keywords under the abstracts, followed by an introduction, main text, conclusion, bibliography and appendices.
- Headers, footers or page numbers should not be added.
- Papers can be prepared in Turkish or English.
- A 250-500 word abstract should be added at the beginning of the paper. If the written language is Turkish, an English abstract and English Title must be added.
- After the abstract, a maximum of 5 keywords (Turkish and English) indicating the content of the paper should be added.
- Abstracts and keywords should be prepared in Times New Roman 10 Point, italic, single-spaced and justified.
- The Main Text should be prepared in Times New Roman, 12 Point, single-spaced, justified. There should be a space (6 pt) after each paragraph. The first lines of the paragraphs should start 1.25 cm in.
- Turkish and English titles should be written above the Turkish and English abstract sections in capital letters, centered, 1.5 line spacing, Times New Roman, 12 point and bold.
- The main headings and subheadings of the papers are 2., 2.1., 2.1.1. They should be numbered with decimals, starting from the introduction title (except the Bibliography), and written in bold. Main headings should be written in capital letters, and only the first letter of subheadings should be capitalized. There should be a 6 pt space before and after the headings.
- All figures, tables and graphs should be given a title and the titles should be numbered consecutively. The title should beplaced above the table, figure or graph, centered on the page, Times New Roman, 12 point, bold. After the table, figure or graph is given with its text number, the name of the table, figure or graph should be written with a single dot.
- Reference acknowledgments should be given in 11-point font below tables, figures or graphs.
- Footnotes (containing explanations) should be numbered within the text, written in Times New Roman 11-point font under the heading “Notes” in numerical order on a separate page, and placed after the text.
- For works accepted for publication, authors must submit the copyright agreement to Rating Academy within one week at the latest.
- The Harvard referencing technique should be used to indicate citations within the text. According to this technique, references in the text are indicated by the author’s surname and the year of publication in parentheses.
Examples on the subject are given below.
i) If the author’s name is used as a natural part of the sentence, the year of publication is in parentheses;
Gürkaynak (2002) made a study on chemical solutions…
ii) If the author’s name is not used as a natural part of the sentence, the author’s name should be in the form of the year of publication and the number of pages;
The latest studies (Pınar, 2003: 12) show that the application …
iii) If there are two authors, the surnames of both authors are used.
Cinicioglu and Keleşoğlu (1993) on soft fillings…
iv) If there are more than two authors, use the surname of the first author as “et al.” The expression follows.
Oztoprak et al. (1999) put forward…
v) If more than one publication by the same author published in the same year is used, an alphabetical character is added to the end of the publication years.
Bozbey et al. Studies conducted by (2003a) show this result…
vi) If an anonymous source is used, the expression “anon” is used.
The facts that have been talked about lately (Anon 1998: 53) …
vii) If a newspaper article with an unknown author will be used, the newspaper name, publication year and page number;
Floods seen in the region affect structural features (Atlas, 1998: 6)
viii) Publications used in the thesis study are listed in alphabetical order according to author surnames. The journal, congress booklet, book, etc. in which the publication was published. The name is shown in italics.
ix) When citing sources taken from the Internet, the author’s name, if any, is shown as stated before. If there is no author name, the name of the institution presenting the source and the use of date are shown below.
Information about the market is included (ISE, 23.06.2003)
x) When citing internet sources with unknown authors, the URL-sequence number and year should be written in capital letters. For example:
(URL-1, 2003), (URL-1 and URL-2, 2003), According to URL-1 (2003)